What people ‘really really want’ from building tech?

I saw this diagram on a LinkedIn post from the folks at PropTech consultants Trustek today. Katie Whip who heads up Innovation, Strategy & ESG there participated in the first Simmtronic Summer Series of events I helped curate and moderate earlier this year, so I knew about their Verified Marketplace of solutions.

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More tech slicing and dicing?

I didn’t go to many of the conference sessions at the recent Smart Buildings Show as I was really there for the networking. However, I did check out the one on Your Path to Net Zero: Technology/Software-led roadmap to decarbonisation in building operations by Prabhu Ramachandran at Facilio and Ian Pearce from British Land.

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More on design thinking

Following on from my recent Interoperability, what is it good for? post, I was reminded of Design, Unleased: Workplaces. A brand new world. Human-centred design ā€“ all or nothing paper (2020) from Hoare Lea by Michelle Wang (now at Deloitte) and Stephen Wreford (now at HBT digital advisory). Stephen participated in a symposium-like event I

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About Me

Iā€™m an author and market engagement specialist who helps joins the dots between research, innovation, go-to-market activation and business transformation around 3 core activities: content, connections and conversations. Connect with me on LinkedIn or get in touch there.