Net Zero Challenge?

Earlier this year I facilitated a retrofit-themed round table with developers, owners and operators at Cisco’s City of London offices (see list of attendees and key themes discussed here). As part of the follow-up I co-wrote an article for Smart Buildings Magazine on Retrofitting buildings and the drive towards net zero. We quoted Matthew Marson

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Better together?

Much of my most recent teaching on grad and post-grad courses has been looking at how Lean Startup thinking and tools are changing the way organisations ‘go-to-market‘ (GTM) and that being arguably a different approach to those based on more traditional marketing ‘fundamentals.’

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A set of canvas tools?

Before moving into the smart building space, I was chief advacocy officer for author, keynote speaker self-proclaimed ‘post-purpose’ preacher Thomas Kolster and his Goodvertising agency. That was also a ‘market engagement’ role , which included helping develop his online master class that accompanied his The Hero Trap: How to Win in a Post-Purpose Market by

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What is a smart building?

I am diagram junkie and sucker for a cutaway diagram that probably has something to do with the ones from the Eagle comic and Gerry Anderson TV Show annuals I enjoyed as a kid. Clearly, I was not alone given this Thunderbirds Agent’s Technical Manual from Haynes that appears aimed at those of my generation:

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About Me

I’m an author and market engagement specialist who helps joins the dots between research, innovation, go-to-market activation and business transformation around 3 core activities: content, connections and conversations. Connect with me on LinkedIn or get in touch there.