I had a great chat with Brian Coogan at Ethos Engineering recently. We have been connected on LinkedIn for some time now, but finally met in person at the Smart Buildings Show this year. I mentioned I was looking at faciliating a collaboration to look at how the technology landscape might be sliced/diced, although prompting one might be more accurate description given my resources.
He kindly shared the road map above as an illustrative example along with a version of the smart building tech stack I have posted about previously (see here and here):

It was also interesting to hear about how Ethos split each smart project up, categorise the technical building blocks and also about the design processes they deploy to help provide a clear SB brief (hopefully more on this soon). The Place Activation design process was particularly interesting and there is an article coming out soon that I will link to when published.
The road map above is being revised hence only being an illustrative example, but I hope to share new version when finalised. In the meantime, just wanted to say huge thanks to Brian because I am hoping that his sharing will be the catalyst that prompts others to share their frameworks, roadmaps, design guidelines or whatever else might help contribute to a resource/best practice guide and help me think through how the smart building technology landscape gets sliced and diced (see more on this here).